A favorite project of mine, illustrating different cities across the country for Yahoo! Local. These appeared as headers and included the current weather conditions and temperature as an overlay in the top right corner. So much fun!
One of a series of Dinosaur illustrations for the annual, corporate employee and family summer picnic. "Yahoo! Rocks" 
Poster art for the Halloween party at Yahoo! - "YaBoo!"
A little seasonal artwork: Thanksgiving
Yahooligans, misc illustrations
Here are some 'Service Badges' for the internal employee pages. Look up an employee and see how many years and what awards they have received. At 5 you receive a purple gumball machine, 10 a personalized espresso machine, 15 you get your own foosball table and for 20.... well, Yahoo! is only 19 so I was encouraging them to gift purple scooter but we'll see!
I created the Code Ninja Mimobot. 0s and 1s spell yahoo, sold out in the company store
Shooting a campaign commercial that involved 50+ children and a 30+ foot chalk mural. 
The child actors coloring the chalk mural. In between takes, my team and I would go out and repair the chalk mural for the next shot.
Every now and then I got to work on a chalk mural at Yahoo!, This is a detail of a mural in the middle of campus to kick off the Yahoo! Gallery Purple, an on campus art gallery of employee paintings, photography, sculpture. 
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